The vicCOM 2 audio processing module is the ideal solution for integrating hands-free functionality easily and quickly into existing devices or new products. With the latest software update to version 2.2.0, the circuit board, which is only 3 x 6 cm in size, now offers improved echo cancellation and noise suppression as well as other new functions.
The ultra-compact and low-cost vicCOM 2 hands-free module is supplied complete with signal processing software. As a system-on-chip, it can be assembled directly on a carrier board via the edge contacts like an electronic component. Alternatively, contacting is possible by means of a bar connection. For individual units and as an evaluation board, the module is also available as a vicCOM complete 2 system kit with audio amplifier, loudspeaker, microphone and a parameterisation interface. Pluggable screw terminals and its own power supply allow for easy installation.
By using sophisticated digital algorithms such as echo and noise suppression, the interfering components - both echo and ambient noise - are filtered out of the microphone signal. What remains is a clean speech signal, ensuring a high level of intelligibility in the communication task. Powerful full-duplex echo cancellers allow for completely natural communication in which the speakers are also allowed to interrupt each other without the distant speaker being suppressed by background noise or speech activity at the near end. With the software update, new algorithms for echo cancellation and noise reduction have been integrated and a new feedback canceller has been added. In addition, new parameters for setting echo cancellation and loudspeaker have been implemented.
Für die Integration einer Kommunikationsfunktion in Bedienpanels, Zugangs- oder Kiosksystemen und andere Anwendungen wird vicCOM 2 einfach in die Mikrofon- und Lautsprecherleitung eingeschleift. Die Algorithmen sind bereits auf dem Modul vorhanden und können über eine Parametrierungsschnittstelle einfach an die Einsatzbedingungen angepasst werden. Die Analog-Digitalwandlung und Filterung der Signale erfolgt dann automatisch. Am Ende wird wieder ein bereinigtes analoges Mikrofonsignal am Ausgang geliefert. Auf Wunsch unterstützen wir unsere Kunden bei mit akustischen Mess- und Parametrierungsservices sowie bei Konstruktion und Komponenten-Auswahl.
For the integration of a communication function in control panels, access or kiosk systems and other applications, vicCOM 2 is simply looped into the microphone and loudspeaker line. The algorithms are already available on the module and can be easily adapted to the application conditions via a parameterisation interface. The analogue-to-digital conversion and filtering of the signals is then done automatically. At the end, a cleaned analogue microphone signal is delivered at the output again. On request, we support our customers with acoustic measurement and parameterisation services as well as with design and component selection.